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The Chamber of Textile Trade & Industry (COTTI) is an apex body for the Textile Trade and business in Eastern India . Since its inception, it has been playing an important role in promoting the textile fraternity – while advising its members about discharging their responsibilities towards their businesses and the society in general. From a humble beginning with a few selected members in 1961, this institution has grown and attained a stature of a Parent Organisation in this part of the country today. It currently has a direct membership of more than 1600 members,

Chamber of Textile Trade & Industry

Chamber of Textiles Trade & Industry

160, Jamunalal Bajaj Street
1st Floor, Kolkata- 700007
West Bengal, India

Phone +91 33 2268 2686
+91 33 2269 9811
Fax +91 33 2273 4034
Email info@cotti.in

Chamber of Textiles Trade & Industry, 2014. All rights reserved
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